Author: Lexstart


How to choose a business name in Quebec ?

Une entreprise c’est un peu comme son enfant et ce n’est pas toujours facile de lui trouver un nom ! Certains trouvent leur nom en 5 minutes mais 90% des entrepreneurs mettent du temps à le faire. Que vous soyez incorporé au Québec ou au Canada, un nom d’entreprise ça se réfléchit mûrement car c’est avec ce nom-là que vous serez identifiable auprès de vos clients.

Non-profit organization in Ontario

After reading our article about the differences between an provincial incorporation in Ontario & a federal incorporation, this article will detail why you should incorporate your non-profit organization and how to obtain a charitable status.
Choisir son nom d'entreprise

How to choose your corporation’s name in Ontario ?

Our article on the differences between federal and provincial incorporation in Ontario in the previous article briefly discussed the importance of the business name in choosing the governing law of your corporation. In the same vein, this article outlines the general practical and legal considerations you may keep in mind when choosing your business name under the OBCA.
Incorporation Ontario

Incorporation in Ontario: federally or provincially ?

The following article outlines the advantages of incorporating federally and provincially in Ontario, and sheds light onto some of the considerations you may keep in mind when choosing your law of incorporation.
Incorporation fédéral ou provincial au Québec

Federal or provincial incorporation in Quebec ?

Let me take you back to elementary school for a little geography lesson: Canada is composed of ten provinces and three territories. What does this have to do with entrepreneurship? It’s simple, Canada’s structure and Constitution means that entrepreneurs have a choice: to incorporate federally or provincially. So, under which regime should your future corporation be incorporated ?
Administrateurs d'une société par actions

The director in a Quebec corporation

Today, Lex Start explains the ins and outs of one of the pillars of the corporation: the director. In Quebec, the director is first and foremost responsible for the general supervision and management of the activities of a Québec corporation.
Shareholder in Quebec

All about shareholders in Quebec 

Among the three main actors of a Quebec corporation, there is the famous "shareholder". If the word scares you, do not worry: today, Lex Start demystifies the rights and obligations that arise from being a shareholder.
Société par actions vs société en nom collectif

Corporation VS General Partnership

Is a general partnership a more advantageous legal form for entrepreneurs than a corporation ? Of course, any answer to that question must be nuanced. Indeed, the answer will vary depending on the needs of the entrepreneur.
Les acteurs dans une société par actions - Lexstart

The three types of actors in a Quebec corporation

“It takes all kinds to make a world”. However, for a Quebec corporation, only three people are needed : the shareholder, the director and the officer. Today, Lexstart presents a sneak preview of the protagonists of the Quebec corporation.

Bill 96 : What changes for your company ?

Does your company comply with these changes? Are you equipped to deal with them? Read this short 7-point guide and discover the extent of these upcoming changes or already in effect, so that you can make the necessary adjustments to comply with the Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec, known as “Bill 96”.