
Welcome to the blog section of our website! We are happy to provide you with a source of free legal content to help entrepreneurs and businesses succeed. In our blog, you will find articles on topics that matter most to you, such as starting, managing, protecting your business, and useful resources. We hope these blog will be helpful and encourage you to continue reading our publications.


Start your business

Create your NPO in 5 steps

NPOs can take different legal forms, such as associations, foundations or co-operatives. There are several steps to creating an NPO. Here are 5 main steps to creating your NPO.
patrimoine wealth

Why have a wealth management advisor?

As an entrepreneur, you’ve devoted considerable time, energy and resources to building your business. You have certainly accumulated significant personal wealth as a result of your entrepreneurial success. However, managing your financial assets can become complex and demanding. That’s where a wealth management advisor comes in. How can he or she help you achieve your financial and life goals?
nouvelles obligations - new obligations


Since March 31, 2023, in order to improve transparency, protect the public and fight against fraud, money laundering and tax evasion, enterprises incorporated and/or registered in Quebec have to declare new information to the Registraire des entreprises du Québec.

Run your business


Non-profit organization in Ontario

After reading our article about the differences between an provincial incorporation in Ontario & a federal incorporation, this article will detail why you should incorporate your non-profit organization and how to obtain a charitable status.

The officer in a Quebec corporation

Thanks to the article “The three types of actors in a Quebec company“, you now understand the different stakeholders of a corporation. If the role of shareholder seems clear to you, many entrepreneurs still confuse the notions of “directors” and “officers”. Today, we set the record straight and explain what the directors of a Quebec corporation do.

Shareholders’ agreement in Canada : why ?

In our previous article about the most common business structures in Ontario, we briefly discussed two protection tools available to the shareholders of a corporation, that is to say the shareholders, and the unanimous shareholders’ agreements.

Protect your business


Incorporating without a lawyer : is it that easy ?

Incorporating your business without the help of a professionnel seems easy to do since many websites provide a lot of information about the incorporation process. However, many issues and risks are involved. In this article, we will discuss these issues and risks.

Protect your business with a trademark in Canada

In the article “Choosing the right name for your business in Quebec“, we explained the different steps to take before filing your company name. Today, Lex Start focuses on a new issue: the protection of your trademark in Canada.




The officer in a Quebec corporation

Thanks to the article “The three types of actors in a Quebec company“, you now understand the different stakeholders of a corporation. If the role of shareholder seems clear to you, many entrepreneurs still confuse the notions of “directors” and “officers”. Today, we set the record straight and explain what the directors of a Quebec corporation do.

Protect your business with a trademark in Canada

In the article “Choosing the right name for your business in Quebec“, we explained the different steps to take before filing your company name. Today, Lex Start focuses on a new issue: the protection of your trademark in Canada.

Non-profit organization in Ontario

After reading our article about the differences between an provincial incorporation in Ontario & a federal incorporation, this article will detail why you should incorporate your non-profit organization and how to obtain a charitable status.